Bellamiscela di Cioccolato
- Beautiful Mixture of Chocolate is what her name stands for.
Miss Izzy was born 30th April 2018 along with her brother Royal . This was a special litter as Royal went back to our roots at Wottapud and Izzy stayed here at Bellamiscela. She is our first home grown girl to continue to produce stunning puppies.
She is a crazy , lovable Tri Chocolate Merle . Who is extremely fast like her mum and as sharp as a tack. She has gorgeous eye shadow just like her mum and continues to pass this down to her babies.
She is a loyal and loving girl who continues to prove that she is an amazing mum. We look forward to improving and continuing her line with our new and upcoming girl Miss Boo
Izzy has retired. Take a few moments to click on the where is she now button. She is definitely loving her newfound purpose.
Her gorgeous daughter Boo has now taken on the important task of bringing us gorgeous puppies to Bellamiscela.